Every mother wants her baby to be healthy and strong.
No one wants a child with Down syndrome or other abnormalities. Therefore, screening for Down syndrome and fetal chromosomes is important.
HealthSmile Down syndrome screening service with 99.9% accuracy. We provide NIFTY®, NGD NIPS brands, at home service, reasonable price, more economical than going to the hospital, no need to waste time traveling.
Choose NIPT testing with Health Smile: “Value, Convenience, and Reliable”
Down syndrome and chromosome screening package
Every mother wants her baby to be healthy and strong. No one wants a child with Down syndrome.
Therefore, screening for Down syndrome and chromosomal abnormalities is important.
It is Down syndrome, which means that they have low IQ, speak slowly, have problems with using muscles, and have quite obvious external characteristics, such as a flat face, a flat head, a flat nose, small-oval eyes, a short neck, and are shorter than people of the same age when they grow up and may have various health problems.
The above abnormalities occur in infants with Down syndrome , a condition caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, occurring in approximately 1 in 800 to 1 in 1,000 births.
And it will be found more and more in older mothers. If the age is over 35, the risk will increase to 1 in 250.
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologist (ACOG) in 2007 therefore recommended that all pregnant women who present for prenatal care before 20 weeks of pregnancy receive counseling for fetal screening for Down syndrome, regardless of the woman’s age, and should be advised of the differences between screening tests and diagnostic tests, and given the option of prenatal diagnostic testing if the screening results are in the high-risk group.
Benefits in the package
False-negative insurance
In case of an incorrect test result, receive insurance up to 2 million THB.
Accuracy greater than 99.99%
The accuracy of Down syndrome detection is more than 99.9%. It can also detect other chromosomal abnormalities.
Know your baby’s gender quickly
Faster results than ultrasound
There is insurance for amniocentesis.
If the test results are abnormal, we will pay an amniocentesis fee of up to 25,000 baht.
Providing services to homes nationwide
With a nationwide network of service providers, you don’t have to waste time traveling. Convenient.
Reviews from mothers who use our service
“The service was very good. The staff gave good advice on the various steps. There was a staff member who came to draw blood at work. The staff member who drew blood gave very good advice. I got the results within 10 days.” (Translated by google translate)
“Very good service, answers questions quickly, provides complete information, and gives results quickly.” (Translated by google translate)
“Very convenient and fast. The staff gave very good advice. The nurse who came to draw blood was punctual and fast. The blood draw was not painful at all. The price was reasonable. The results were reported very quickly. In just 7 days, you will know. It is suitable for this time. You don’t have to leave the house.” (Translated by google translate)
Reviews of mothers who have had checkups with us
Health articles and blood tests
NIFTY®️ Pro has increased the number of deletion/duplication checklists from 84 to 92.
For mothers who are deciding which brand of chromosome and Down syndrome screening to get, because the one that can detect Microdeletions (NIFTY Pro) is more expensive than the others (NIFTY Core, NIFTY Focus, NGD NIPS), we have written this article to introduce chromosomal abnormalities caused by the absence/excess of small chromosomal parts that NIFTY Pro can detect.