Last Updated on 17 กรกฎาคม 2024 by นพ.ประสิทธิ์ วิริยะกิจไพบูลย์

I’ve known Health smile from Google search. Honestly, at first, I was worried about decision process. We only know that we want to do the screening test but not sure about laboratory or clinic. After asking and consulting with admin of Health Smile, I’m quite sure about it. Staff gave me such a good advice as well as frequently ask and follow my symptom while I was hesitating about screening test. So I choose Health smile with no doubt. Even though my friends are worried why not going to hospital, we are confident from reviews of many cases of Health smile through their own social media. In addition, providing nationwide home service for free can make me feel safe during this pandemic. On the blood test day I was gotten blood sample from the well-known hospital nurse. Health Smile will inform a result within 7 days via their line official account. I am really recommend Health Smile and you can ask them about a detail and things that you would like to know with admin. Good service, warmhearted, convenient, safe and quick result…no worrie 😊👍👍👍